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Themes of bachelor’s theses of 2018

Group DP–41

NoSurname and nameThesis topic (project)Thesis supervisor (project)
1.Bielousov Ilia OlehovychDevelopment of hybrid-integrated technology of enestorsSenior lecturer Obukhova T.Yu.
2.Blinov Yurii OleksiiovychPiezoelectric transformer for LED lampSenior lecturer Nadkernychnyi S.P.
3.Burma Vladyslav OleksandrovychPrecision silicon zener diodeProf. Yakymenko Y.I.
4.Verbov Leonid OleksandrovychPhotoelectric properties of self-organized films of sulfacyl sodium and clonidine on a microprofile substrate of siliconAssoc. Prof. Bovtun V.P.
5.Heivakh Yurii PetrovychDistribution of lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers on the plane of silicon wafersAssoc. Prof. Ilchenko V.I.
6.Holiachenko Dmytro SerhiiovychSynthesis of calcium silicates on the surface of the silicon substrate for biocompatible materialAssoc. Prof. Ivashchuk A.V.
7.Demydov Volodymyr VolodymyrovychDetermination of the diffusion length of charge carriers and its distribution in the plane of silicon wafersAssoc. Prof. Ilchenko V.I.
8.Demchuk Andrii VolodymyrovychFeatures of symmetry in nanomaterialsProf. Rodionov M.K.
9.Denysiuk Pavlo VitaliyovychSolar elements on the structures of nitrides of the third group with template layersAssoc. Prof. Ilchenko V.I.
10.Knysh Yevhen PavlovychDetector of cosmic radiation based on a scintillatorAssoc. Prof. Sviechnikov G.S.
11.Komolov Mykyta BorysovychActive soil moisture sensorSenior lecturer Nadkernychnyi S.P.
12.Kravchenko Andrii AnatoliiovychDetector of ionizing radiation based on photodiode – scintillation materialAssoc. Prof. Sviechnikov G.S.
13.Kropyva Andrii VolodymyrovychSmall-sized slit sensor of angular coordinates of the Sun of space purposeAssoc. Prof. Ivashchuk A.V.
14.Lapa Volodymyr OleksandrovychMethod of measuring microwave parameters of materials on the basis of composite dielectric resonatorProf. Yakymenko Y.I.
15.Lys Andrii OleksandrovychMultispectral photovoltaic converter based on the heterostructure of cadmium-telluride of mercury, formed by the addition of silver ionsAssoc. Prof. Ivashchuk A.V.
16.Nemyrovych Oleksandra AndriivnaDependence of the time constant of the diffusion process on electrical and thermophysical factorsProf. Yakymenko Y.I.
17.Pohrebennyi Oleksandr AndriiovychInteractive laboratory complex of the course “Microelectronic information sensor systems”Prof. Yakymenko Y.I.
18.Romanova Kateryna YevhenivnaDependence of the I–V curve of a symmetric p-n-p structure on the width of the basic n-domainAssistant Korolevych L.M.

Group DP–42

NoSurname and nameThesis topic (project)Thesis supervisor (project)
1.Bondarenko Maksym OleksandrovychDielectric films for IR photodetectors on InSb obtained by the method of chemical gas-phase depositionAssoc. Prof. Dombrugov M.R.
2.Venher Oleksandr AnatoliyovychIlluminating coatings for radiation-resistant photoelectric convertersAssoc. Prof. Ivashchuk A.V.
3.Volynskyi Dmytro PavlovychAccumulation of energy in enestorsAssoc. Prof. Vertsanova O.V.
4.Hontar Oleksandr OleksandrovychEfficiency of nanostructured solar convertersAssoc. Prof. Vertsanova O.V.
5.Hryniuk Oleksandra YuriivnaSensor of C-reactive protein based on ion-selective field-effect transistorAssistant Kutova O.Yu.
6.Huzenko Vladyslav OleksandrovychIon-selective field-effect transistor for biochemical researchAssistant Kutova O.Yu.
7.Dmytrenko Maksym BorysovychElectrodynamic properties of nanocomposite materials of polymer – metal typeSenior lecturer Didenko Yu.V.
8.Dovgaliuk Yevhenii OlehovychPeculiarities of formation of self-organized films of sodium sulfacyl on a microprofiled silicon substrateAssoc. Prof. Machulyanskyi O.V.
9.Kobeliatskyi Vladyslav VitaliiovychInfluence of temperature on breakdown voltage of symmetric p-n-p structureAssistant Korolevych L.M.
10.Krysenko Pavlo IhorovychPolar properties of dielectricsSenior lecturer Didenko Yu.V.
11.Lapshuda Vladyslav AnatoliiovychStructures for control of technology of production of photomatrices on devices with charge communication and multiplication of electronsProf. Rodionov M.K.
12.Matiash Oleksandr SerhiiovychElectrophysical and electromechanical properties of ZnO, formed by combined methodsAssoc. Prof. Orlov A.T.
13.Savchenko Valentyn MykolayovychImage registration and analysis systems in chip quality controlAssoc. Prof. Vertsanova O.V.
14.Samoilov Andrii VolodymyrovychMethod of measuring microwave parameters of dielectric materials on the basis of inhomogeneous microstrip resonatorSenior lecturer Didenko Yu.V.
15.Shymko Hlib YuriiovychFormation of p-n junctions in InSb single crystals by ion implantation methodAssoc. Prof. Zavorotnyi V.F.
16.Yasnohorodskyi Maksym AndriiovychInfluence of constructive and technological factors on the closing voltage in the injection-span diodeAssistant Korolevych L.M.