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The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education.

Duration of training is 4 years.

 Postgraduate training is carried out in the field of Electronics, automation and electronic communications
in speciality 176 Micro- and Nanosystem Engineering
and includes the following areas:
1. Materials and devices of functional electronics.
2. Materials and devices of microwave electronics.
3. Sensory materials and devices.
4. Materials and devices of photovoltaics.
5. Materials and devices of nanoelectronics

Educational and scientific program “Micro- and Nanosystem Engineering”, Curriculum and F-catalog of elective courses

Topics of dissertations of graduate students of the Department of Microelectronics:

Surname and initials of the graduate student

Year of admission to graduate school

Research topic


Krysenko P.I.


Data enrichment for predicting properties of metamaterials

Koroliuk D.V.

Lapshuda V.A.


Nanocellulose-based humidity sensors for flexible electronics

Koval V.M.

Boikynia A.O.


Microsystem smart gas parameters sensors

Zavorotnyi V.F.

Hetmanchuk V.V.


Plasmon resonance in nanostructured materials for use in optoelectronics

Machulianskyi O.V.

Linevych Ya.O.


Nanosized silicon 1D structures for sensors and photovoltaics

Koval V.M.

Naidonov A.O.


Flexible sensors based on nanocellulose films

Koval V.M.

Chypehin D.V.


Dielectric microwave composite materials with a diffuse spectrum

Tatarchuk D.D.

Verbitskyi D.O.


Optical deflectometer for optimization of growth parameters of trinitride epitaxial structures

Voronko A.O.

Novikov D.O.


Methods of controlling the parameters of layers of A3B5 solid solutions during epitaxy

Cviechnikov G.S.

Okhrimchuk O.B.


Optoelectronic sensors from organic materials

Verbytskyi V.G.

Tkachenko N.S.


Semiconductor planar microwave structures with optical control

Tatarchuk D.D.

Berdnyk K.Yu.


Microwave absorbing coatings based on metamaterials

Didenko Yu.V.