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The first in Ukraine training laboratory for designing modern analog circuits was opened at the Faculty of Electronics of KPI

The first in Ukraine exclusive laboratory for the design of modern analog circuits was opened on January 30, 2020 in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Equipment for it and software for the total amount of 600 thousand UAH provided to the university by TowerJazz (Israel) and Cadence Design Systems (USA). In the new laboratory, students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will be able to master the principles and technologies of designing nanochips that can be used in electronic devices and systems for various purposes. In addition, the opportunities provided by the Faculty of Electronics KPI, will attract students to work with companies working in the industry, and together with them to implement research and development projects. And the successful development of Kyiv Polytechnics company TowerJazz, which has companies in Israel, the United States and Japan, plans to bring to implementation in real integrated micro-and nanoschemes.

More details in the newspaper “Kyiv Polytechnic”, 2020, №4 and in the news of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 14:15 in the aud. 412-12 building Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (9/16 Akad. Yanhel Street)
lecture-seminar of professors of the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Orisha (Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar)
Dr. M. Sabarimalai Manikandan and Dr. Barathram Ramkumar
On the topic:
Impacts of Intelligent Real-time Signal Processing Systems for Empowering IoT and AI Healthcare Monitoring
Also on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 10:25 in the laboratory 147-12 bldg. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
there will be a presentation-training with a demonstration of biomedical devices-gadgets for health monitoring.
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The piezoelectric motor is an outstanding invention of the world.

On November 2, 2018, the presentation and cancellation of three new postage stamps, which are being put into circulation to pay for postal services in Ukraine, took place. These stamps are dedicated to inventions that have made Ukraine famous all over the world. One of the brands is dedicated to the invention of a fundamentally new engine – a piezoelectric engine, the author of which is a senior researcher Viacheslav Vasylovych Lavrinenko. The invention relates to 1964. At that time, a young specialist V.V. Lavrinenko at the Department of Dielectrics and Semiconductors (now the Department of Microelectronics) conducted a study of the power piezoelectric transformer and found its rotation in the holder. Having deeply studied the physics of this phenomenon, V.V. Lavrinenko created the world’s first piezoelectric motor of rotation, and later a linear motor to drive a relay. Viacheslav Vasylovych’s work was decades ahead of similar work abroad. Subsequently, V.V. Lavrinenko developed all the basic principles of operation and design of piezoelectric motors. More than 200 copyright certificates and patents have been obtained for the invention of the piezoelectric motor, about 40 of which are patents in foreign countries.
Given the prospects for the use of piezoelectric motors at the Department of Microelectronics, a branch laboratory of piezoelectric motors was created, headed by V.V. Lavrinenko. The developments of this laboratory are embodied in the serial production of motors for the VCR “Electronics-532”, for the slide projector “Dnepr-2”, for film cameras, drives of vending machines, ball valves, etc. Millions of piezoelectric motors are now being mass-produced in various countries around the world.
The invention of the piezoelectric motor is one of the world’s greatest inventions. Unfortunately, there are currently no companies in our country that mass-produce piezoelectric motors. Today V.V. Lavrinenko continues to work on the improvement of piezoelectric motors in a very modest position as an engineer of the Department of Microelectronics.

Acting Head of the Department of Microelectronics                                                                     O. V. Borysov