For many years, the department has trained specialists for China, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, Hungary, and the German Democratic Republic. In all, more than 100 electronics engineers have been trained for these countries. Citizens of China, Bulgaria, Germany, and Poland studied at the department in graduate school and defended their dissertations.
On the basis of the department, in accordance with the agreements between KPI and educational institutions of Bulgaria and Poland, students of Wroclaw Polytechnic and Gabrovo Electrotechnical Institute underwent internships.
Scientific achievements of the department gained international recognition, the best of its employees were invited to other countries for joint research, lectures. In particular, Professor Y.I. Yakymenko worked in the United States, Belgium, Germany, and France; Professor Yu.M. Poplavko – in Portugal, South Korea and Germany; associate professors G.I. Bogdan and O.V. Borysov – in Bulgaria; Associate Professor Yu.D. Kobtsev – in Bulgaria and Mongolia; associate professors V.P. Bovtun and M.A. Leshchenko – in Germany; Associate Professor M.R. Dombrugov – in France and Canada; Associate Professor A.T. Orlov – in Greece.
Many teachers and students have participated in international scientific conferences, published scientific articles and monographs in foreign scientific journals. More than 60 inventions of the department’s staff are patented in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and other countries.
Scientific works of the staff of the department have repeatedly won international competitions. Professors Poplavko Y.M., Bilous A.G., associate professors Bovtun V.P., Leshchenko M.A., senior researcher employee Pereverzieva L.P. received Soros grants. Recognition of personal contribution to science and development of the Higher School was the election of the head of the department Professor Yakymenko Y.I. international academician of higher education and honorary member of the American Institute of Radio Engineers, awarding Professor Poplavko Yu.M. Soros Scholarship.
Currently, the department has direct ties with many universities in foreign countries, including Aachen, Dresden, Munich, Berlin (Germany), Lyon, Toulouse, Saint-Etienne (France), Michigan, Universities of Texas (USA), Harbin and Peking Universities (China) and others.
The department participates in the European international programs “Ntvhus-Tasis”, “Inyas”, “Copernicus”, etc.