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The Microelectronics Department was founded in 1952.

The department trains bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy (PhD) in the speciality 176 “Micro- and Nanosystem Engineering” (educational program “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”).

The modern world is impossible to imagine without electronics, which has covered all areas of human activity. Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies are the basis of all areas of modern electronics: computer technology, telecommunications, avionics, space and medical technology, energy. The educational process at the department is aimed at a deep understanding of the processes and phenomena that occur in any electronic system. Therefore, according to many years of experience, graduates of the Microelectronics Department easily adapt to all areas of activity related to electronics.

The department is a participant of European scientific and educational programs and has business relations with higher educational institutions of the USA, Western Europe, China, South Korea, etc. Graduates of the department work at domestic and foreign enterprises of the electronic industry, in research institutes, in public administration institutions, in commercial structures.

A research institute of Electronics and Microsystem Technology has been established on the basis of the department, in which scientific research is conducted in various areas (see the section “Research Institute”).